Doodle of the Future -FUTURE SCIENCE : BODY MANIPULATION-12/5/2015
by Yanaka White
by Yanaka White
When we talk about body manipulation, people often mistake it for immortality. Body manipulation isn't necessarily to gain immortality. It's about lengthen one's life.
For the time being we've achieve some variants of body manipulation technologies. It is used to cure things or changing appearance such as the plastic surgery.
It has been quite a breakthrough compared to years ago. But of course we won't stop here. Human can never be satisfied, and it's a good thing.
Methods and ideas has been thrown everywhere about future science. I personally have interests in body manipulation ones.
I've been thinking about it, so here are some things I've found that possible to exist in the near future:
I've red about this somewhere. It was a good method that manipulates stem cells to create body tissue of determined body parts.
Stem cells are cells in our body that can change into any kind of cells and create any body organ. It usually the ones changing our body during puberty. Like those boobs.
Scientists are now perfecting the way to control these cells to change the way we want them to. When we can do this, we can give those who are unlucky enough to lost their leg a new, real, biologic leg.
We plant some stem cells to the place we want to be and control the growth so that we will get a leg from it. Preventing it to grow to a boob instead.
We can even change the shape of our current body. Changing an old man into a hot man, or changing those fat otaku bums into cute little girls.
You heard about this. Everyone knows about this. Brain transplantation has been the talk in sci-fi since old school.
Unfortunately, it's not as easy as we thought it was. Brain the the main processor of human body. It it linked to A LOT of nerves and these nerves are planted throughout the body.
There. A brain transplant was conducted on dogs. Signals said that the brain was working normally but something made the dog to die in nine days.
Now the good news. With our current technologies brain transplantation is not impossible anymore. We can now links those nerves easier. It has even used on human.
The thing is, the new body might reject the brain, resulting in death. You know, human body is a jerk. Like some free version of a paid antivirus. It detects almost anything weird as the agent of death.
This method can be used to give someone a new body, or switch two person like we all know. You know, a guy and a girl switch body. Isn't that cliche?
A human body made out of machine. A living robot. We all know about this and a lot of us like this. We want this.
Transplant an old man brain to a new such body and he'll live for a longer time. Or turn yourself into your dream body to have a better life.
A machinery body should not reject a brain like a biological body would. We can even customize this body to look like what we want it to.
Look at that. As if her body is a walking PC which spare parts can be replaced easily. And we won't know if she was genuinely a girl or was a boy from just looking.
This body can also be maintained so that it can live longer. Like a car or bike. Or upgraded to a newer model. You already get the ideas.
What's more? Currently the big topic is about finding human consciousness! Find this, and eternal youth is ours. Transplanting brain is too risky. But transferring consciousness and memory is much safer and stable because it should be some kind of software.
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