

Kamis, 23 April 2015


***Calling a cat***
Imitate a mouse noise as close as you can. Most adult cats and some kitten will give their attention to this.
Put down your hand near the ground and move the fingers. Cats love moving things.

***Petting a cat***
Cats' most favorite area is the area from below their chin to their chest. stroke this area and they will purr in no time. Although, most of the kitten won't purr. I'm not sure because they can't feel the sensation yet, or they can't purr yet. But they definitely enjoy this.
Avoid the tummy. Only a cat that truly likes you and trust you will allow you to scrub their tummy. And in their country, trust is earned.

***Cat language***
Cats purr when they happy. You can hear them go purrrrrr or their throat vibrating when this happens.
Cats swinging their tail can means 2 things. It can mean there's something bothering their tail, like insect or dust, but if there's no such thing, you better stop whatever you are doing to it. But rest assured. If it's purring while swinging tail, it's happy.
Do you know that sound cat make before they fight with other cat? The very long meow? If a cat do it to you, leave it alone. It means business. But if it hisses, it's just scared.

***Paralyzing a cat***
The area behind their neck. The part where cat moms bite their kitten when carrying them. The part where the males bite the females when breeding. Pinch that part, and the cat will have to power.

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