

Jumat, 24 April 2015


A lot of people think math is hard. Why? Because yes, math is frustrating at times, but also because they go insane once the math question is modified.

There's a rule, a system that keeps math going. If you understand this system, math can be easier for you. It's all about substitution. It's all about putting the right number in the formula.

Math is like filling a form.
For example, the formula to addition is:

a + b = c

a is first number
b is second number
c is the third number

it's always like that, and will always be. That's how we can get 1+1=2, 3+4=7, etc.

But I'm pretty sure the thing that makes math seems hard is not this. Putting the right number to the formula and calculate them should be easy enough. The thing is, it becomes tricky when the question plays some trick.

For example, this one:

(1+2) + 7 = ?

I know you already know the answer. But this is just an example.
These kind of thing is what make math question seems hard. They make it as if the formula is changed, but actually not. Because if we follow the formula :

a + b = c

We will automatically end up with

c = ?
b = 7
a = (1+2)

Why is it the one plus two thing? because that's what the formula says. There's no ( or ) in the formula, so the (1+2) must be an 'a'. It's those kind of tricks.

And then, there's another rule. The calculation order.
This thing can also be tricky, because if you don't know this, you'll end up counting 1 + 2 * 3 and get 9 instead of 7!!
So here's the rule:
* and / goes first, counted from the left most.
+ and - goes last, counted from the left most.
the ones inside the ( and ) always goes first.
if there's a case like this:

xxx + xxx * xxx
xxx - xxx * xxx

or similar, it just means : (xxx+xxx*xxx) / (xxx-xxx*xxx)

So I hope I didn't mess up there, sorry if i something wrong, and i hope with this, you can understand math better, and simpler. Thanks.

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